What is GUNG HO ?
Switch on the human capital in any organization

If you say that someone is Gung Ho, you mean that they are very enthusiastic or eager to do something.
Gung Ho outlines foolproof ways to increase productivity by doing worthwhile work, staying in control of achieving your goals, and more.
Gung Ho is a revolutionary technique to boost enthusiasm and performance and usher in astonishing results for any organization. The three principles of Gung Ho are:
The Spirit of the Squirrel : worthwhile work
The Way of the Beaver : in control of achieving the goal
The Gift of the Goose : cheering each other on
These three cornerstones of Gung Ho are surprisingly simple and yet amazingly powerful. Whether your organization consists of one or is listed in the Fortune 500, this method ensures Gung Ho employees committed to success.
The term was picked up by United States Marine Corps Major Evans Carlson from his New Zealand friend, Rewi Alley, one of the founders of the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives. Carlson explained in a 1943 interview: "I was trying to build up the same sort of working spirit I had seen in China, where all the soldiers dedicated themselves to one idea and worked together to put that idea over. I told the boys about it again and again. I told them of the motto of the Chinese Cooperatives, Gung Ho. It means Work Together — Work in Harmony....
Later Carlson used gung-ho during his (unconventional) command of the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion. From there, it spread throughout the U.S. Marine Corps hence the association between the two, where it was used as an expression of spirit and into American society as a whole when the phrase became the title of a 1943 war film, Gung Ho!, about the 2nd Raider Battalion's raid on Makin Island in 1942.
The method has been widely used in a variety of industries in the US in the late 1980's up till now. It most fame came with the publishing of the book co-authored by Kenneth Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles, both best-selling authors in management domains.

Kris Wauters
Bigger & Better, Together

Kris is a Change & Transformation Leader, who demonstrates intense drive and deep passion for customers, business results, and people.
With over 30 years of experience in building, expanding, transforming businesses and operations from non-existing or underperforming to becoming Best in Class. He implements organizations, products/services, and processes with an outside- in mindset, whilst realizing optimal profitability, commercial success, customer, and employee satisfaction.
In the year 2000 he received the book Gung Ho! (read more about it in the below section), written by Kenneth Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles as a gift from a fellow manager. He applied this method ever since and it even triggered a desire to further explore human behavior, which led him to combine his career with studying Applied Psychology in which he obtained a Professional Bachelor degree. He completed his academic record with a Master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
He has spent the first 10 years of his career in commercial roles in both B2C and B2B in mainly the insurances industry, media and telecommunications. Just before the technology bubble burst, he made the switch from pure acquisition to retaining customers and specialized in support and Customer Experience. He held various senior management positions in companies like Verizon, Cisco and Orange, and left a track record of leadership, change management, continuous improvement and most of all Customer Centricity..
He started the company Gung-Ho in 2019 to capitalize on this vast experience and help achieve business around the world their goals and ambitions.
Key Competencies
· Change Management & Organizational Development
· People Management & Motivational Speaker
· Design of Strategy & Development of Product/Services
· From (out) Sourcing to Strategic Partnerships: Strategy, Selection & Negotiations, Running Relations & Operations
· Customer Centricity in Support, Sales, and Marketing